Monday, September 3, 2012

Most of my stuff is on paper sooooo

Drew savage as a polar bear. now all he needs is a big ol folder for some trading cards.
Because nerds love trading cards. Simple knowledge

Friday, August 17, 2012

just junk

not alot, but at least a few from a couple new characters.

The top one was for shark week, while the one at the bottom is a hipster chick with her persona. ill go into more details later when i have a character sheet going.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bowser Day

Friend from FA said there is an actual "Bowser Day". Have'nt drawn him in while, might as well go with it.
its a bit rushed, but whatever i cant get real good in OC anyways lol.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Well that works too

just a fun idea for my large savage character. as a popo. or a prison guard.

Actually, his new thing is being a prison guard. Possibly. i dunno

Friday, June 29, 2012


just take all my godamn money capcom. just take it

Sunday, June 10, 2012

If i call you daisy, can i be your love bug?

Been shut indoors this whole week. nothing but rain and thunder storms recently, im a little concerned but its not really all that big a deal. Also, love watching Off the Air on Adult swim. very trippy.

Nothing new to really show here on my blog, so ill throw some junk on here for now.

Cant believe im loosing interest in drawing. kinda sad really......
whatever, better if a hack artist like me just quits. Wish i chose something else.

lets see if i have the confidence to draw some fanart.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Stayin indoors

Alot of rain today. And really freakin cold too, better get myself a cup of coffee. mmmmm

speaking of which, gonna grab my brother and bring him back tomorrow before work on friday. ROADTRIP!!!! sorta, but not really hahhaaaa